Now that I have read the entire book, I'm surprised Steph and Milla have only two children, twins at that, but I surpose there's a medical reason why Milla stopped with the twins, their mixed heritage.
With Earth Humanity virtually extinct, I thought the survivors would go in to 'bunny' mode and maybe dabble into clone tech to increase their population, maybe on one of the new colonies.
Disappointed that we had no viewpoints from Gaia and especially Central, does he genuinely mourn the deaths of Weston and Odyseus?
I thought Earth had more than six gunboats? two short of a second squadron, I suppose they weren't deployed by Earth in final battle, otherwise Jehan? would recognise them and Archangels cover would be over.
Maybe next book covers how Burt Conners colony is setting up with Archangel gunboats for protection whilst Drasin discovers an Empire world, and new polity in Free Worlds sponsered by the Archangels and their captured destroyers.
i was a little disapponted we were denied the battle for earth :)
but as you did before, maybe some other time?
now you pictured an exciting (for sure) story about the attack of hte drasin.
when i had read the book i thought: what about that other dyson construct that was deserted by the drasin for the attack on earth?
maybe a thought for another story?
Is King's Fall coming out in paperback? Got the rest in that format.
Welcome back.
mess she was trodding through.
Well, he was right about the story not being done...
Anyone know if Evan's OK?
There was a level of arrogance in those actions that spoke of deep seated psychology (psychological) idiocy.
Where are the next chapters?
Hi Evan
Is this the end of this novel?
I would never be one to ask for less, but I think this might have been a great place to end the book. Maybe just spice up the Bel and Roberts rolling in to save the day last minute, balancing using signature weapons against the risks of revealing themselves. The next few chapters then would set the stage for the beginning of next book and how the relationships between the empire, Terran's, prims etc will have to reluctantly set aside their issues to stop the Dresin as an existential threat. The only problem is it leaves out the captured destroyer and Eric (which im sure you have wrapped in end otherwise why have them there)
Typo chapter 40
“Then, for now, I suggest allowing them to do so,” Keenan said. “We have enough problems, invited more would be… unwise.”
Typo in chapter 37 (chapter 38 on the pulldown list - hope that helps)
“Why did they not breach the Deck, or Engineering?” He said, almost sounding like he was complaining. “They cam through our armor, through deck after deck… after they pass, there’s nothing but blood on the decks. Why stop where they did? It makes no sense!”
Amanda nodded, then reached automatically before stopping and sighing, “Ok. Anyone have a coin flipping app in their suit? I seem to have forgotten my purse on the Casino.”
should it be "I seem to have left my purse"
That makes some sense, She supposed, though she would have preferred a better brief than the computer noticing something was up and feeding her the data at the last possible moment.
She looked around, “Let’s calm the Calm the skipper’s nerves, Hoorah?”
repeated words
“Fuck,” Cardsharp said succinctly as she revied the data, recognizing the profile the scanners were showing.
The startling immobility of the stars took a toll on her though, making it hard to tell that she was still moving as it all felt too still around her to be real. That was merely an illusion of parallax, however, the distances to everything in her line of sight were so large that no matter how fast she was moving, she couldn’t get any sense of motion.
since in the dyson construct should it just be star
Skipper, look at this data… it’s on a subband, passive scans, not coming from the Imperial cruiser I don’t think,” Roy said, flipping a feed to her.
Jenn checked it quickly, then stopped and went back to the beginning to look it over in depth.sub-band
Sunnam glanced down, “It’s not in the standard scan, data is more efficiently derived from higher frequencies.”
Kaela nodded, she’d known that though only ion a vague sort of
Eric honestly wasn’t sure if that was a good sign, or a sign that his concerns were in fact warranted. He supposed it didn’t really matter, at least not at the moment. Hi put his attention fully back to his duties, eyes on the scans as he looked for any sign of incoming fire.
“Don’t be,” Marcus said with a shake of his head. “The Free Stars takes some getting used to. Imperial Space is run a lot closer to how we’d do things, believe it or not. Those bastards right a tight ship, even today.”
like or run
A minute or two wouldn’t change a damn thing in space combat, not likely anyway, and running around the ship in his underwear was hardly conducive to either good discipline or, ultimately crew morale either… even if, right at this moment, they’d likely all get a kid out of the new kid running around in his skivvies.
Still, get didn’t take his time so much as jammed his body into his uniform and boots as quickly as possible, ignoring the discomfort when some things didn’t quite slip on the way they should, and only then charged out of the room and started heading for the Command Deck.
There were too many situation to deal with at the moment and far too few assets.
The hubbub in the operations center was about on par with the norm he found as he stepped in, people actively scanning the void beyond their little world for anything that looked out of the ordinary. The large screens showed the view from orbit through the observation birds they had dotted around the area, as well as anything interesting bring reported back from farther out.
Morgan made his way back to his officer and found that the data was already loading into his system. He ignored most of it for the moment and went straight for the text report that had been front loaded with the files.
While self replicating manufacturing would be an incredibly asset, no one who looked to the Sol system at the moment was entirely comfortable with the idea of replicating Gracen’s Middle Finger anywhere else at the moment.
Most likely would have been forced to sign on with the Priminae if it had come to that, he expected.
likely they would
Her Marines surged forward, the Gunmen taking the lead as they fired on the run. The lack of appropriate cover made the charge dangerous, but the enemy were moved focused on the door and only a couple were firing back with the sorts of weapons they’d come to expect on board a Free Star built ship
needs rewording
If you could reach the optical cables, on the other hand, the perceived security had made it such that few of the Free Star state actors bothered with significant encryptions… Pirates like this bunch? Probably didn’t even know the meaning of the word.
Yes, Commander. They blew past our perimeter too fast for anything to lock on and are now move away at high speed,” The Ops officer replied. “They are beyond the range of our close in weapons, and are staying in the firing arc of the emplacements their attack destroyed.”
With his ‘daughter’, the former Empress dead, and the current political climate still in uproar as Nobles jockeyed for position to replace her, his direct influence had wand and would take at least a full generation of stable rule to properly replace… but he was still the Center of the Empire and all lines of communication led to him.
He controlled the information, he controlled the Empire.