can spare a fist courier...
Video conferencing was right out, but that was fine. He didn’t miss that crap in the slightest. -- right out?
and a whole list of preferred targets... both for before and after a successful invasion of Earth. -- for both before and after...
He wasn’t complaining or anything, but goddamn it was it too much to ask that he be informed before someone pulls this shit using his ship and crew? -- reword or need coma after but goddamn it
Certainly, she understood the need for communities to occasionally let of the pressures they were under. -- let off
“Go there and convince them to return to sanity. I’m quite certain that the Commander of Fleets can spare a fist courier...?” -- fist courier? Fast courier?
Emilia watched him fleet before shaking her head. -- flee
The weight of the days news did weigh heavily on her, -- day's news
“Please, Father, do not speak to me like I’m still a child,” She hissed, weary from the day and uninterested in her father’s wisdom just then. -- just then or just now?
“That was always a risk created by limited the local forces they’re permitted to raise.” -- limiting the local forces
Palin had quickly finished the briefing that had been included with the suggestions from the Sergeant Major, and immediately moved on to reading various military handbooks, texts, and treatise on such actions so that he would not be caught out by surprise again -- "out" is unnecessary
Benoit wasn’t so arrogant as to believe that he could follow the man’s research if it was this fascinating to Palin, but he’d at least try to in the ball park so he could have a shot at getting on top of things when it came to a head. -- at least try to in the ball park -- reword
but he’d at least try to in the ball park so
but he’d at least try to be in the ball park so
As Currie gathers steam the fate of the empire becomes more perilous. They don't understand what they have unleashed and it will pay a steep price. Is it in time to save earth and humanity? That's the question.
As usual Currie builds tension gradually at first then in a rush. The story from here on to the finish will crescendo in a shattering way. I can't wait to see.
@evancurrie. How much longer and will you release it as a complete novel?
Commander of Fleets can spare a fist courier…?”
Commander of Fleets can spare a fast courier…?”
Just a couple of minor spelling mistakes.
Why don't you have an editor to check your spelling and grammar?
Must have miss remembered it. I was sure kardashev network self replication tech is a result of reverse engineered drasin tech.
Anyway, would be awesome if other than lasers, the kardashev network also have transition drive. That way, once solar system incursion has been detected, the whole network can transition and swarm right at the incursion point and obliterate any enemy fleet.
I know but they don't use Drasins in this way(danger for planets ), and every next generation of Drasins is...weaker and less inteligent. Week ago i saw Evans chat. He wrote chapter 39. Admiral Gracen thought in her mind about that defence system. It is like Dyson's sphere- it produces energy for the satelites with laser weapons - do you know what is Dyson's sphere, don't you?
But your right, that Drasins can be something like last weapon, if possible 😉 We will see.
IIRC kardashev network can self replicate given enough material (asteroids & comets). The self replication technology comes from reverse engineering of drasin tec. AFAIK the drasin themself can self replicate given enough raw materials around them.
They’ve in pursuit, Fleet Commander.” -- They're in pursuit
The current strategy was based on the enemy not being possible to force into engagement range, and instead pushing to force them to a position they had to defend. -- able to? Simplify sentence?
A human would be, one some level,” He confirmed. “But you may not have the instincts.” Confusing sentence .. at some level?
“Seems like to be rife for abuse,” Odysseus objected... seems to be.. fewer words more to the point
I’ve said similar thing for much longer,” Jehan responded. -- a similar thing or things or?
Seems like to be rife for abuse,
Seems likely to be rife for abuse,
Two issues here
but no, he was along the ride almost. Along among those onboard, he had not volunteered but had been born literally to this path in life.
Great Chapter, love the action. Spotted a few rough spots you may want to take a look at:
….The current strategy was based on (not being able to force) the enemy not being possible to force into engagement range, ….
…. one (on) some level …
… Eric countered wit (with) a wry grin….
… Odysseus just managed not (to) shudder …
surprised by the reality.
“(They’ve) in pursuit, > "they're“A human would be, on(e)some level,” don't need the (e.)
Odysseus just managed not shudder. (to)should be added
loving this Book.
A human would be, one some level,
A human would be, on some level, ?
most(ly) because the people involved
... but no, he was along the ride almost.
Perhaps "... but no, he was along for the ride."
To Super3DPC - kardashev network serves only to create energy from our Sun for laser weapons. No Drasins producing device.
Along among those onboard, he had not volunteered but had been born literally to this path in life.
I can't wait to see kardashev network in action. Since first mention, I always wonder how it work & what the imperials going to think after seing thousands (million? more?) of it barreling down on them. Will imperial soldier realize that earth human modified drasin self replicating tech to build kardashev network.
Helm, lay in the vectors I’ve sent, fill military power is authorized,” ++ fill s/b full
That imbecile genius, She marveled at the combination of brilliance and idiocy she was reading ion Benoit’s report. -- ion s/b in
Getting good!!
There seems to be an inconsistency here. Palin has already given the Rogues instructions but there is no hint of it here.
This thread could be an entire new book.
Great Stuff! Really looking forward to completion!
just A couple of errors...Along among those onboard..should read: Alone among those ...